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A post-inquiry evaluation on the final report and processes for our A Fair Chance for All inquiry has been completed. Independent review consultant Dr Ruth Fischer-Smith conducted and reviewed responses from focus groups, interviews with subject matter experts and stakeholders, and survey participants. 

The evaluation found that the Commission delivered ''an insightful, comprehensive, and well-researched report within the timeframes agreed. The inquiry report provides a thorough and robust reference document to inform policy making and social change on the drivers behind persistent disadvantage, and the public sector mechanisms that can be considered for reducing it''.  

The wide approach to engagement, particularly during the Terms of Reference stage was valued by many stakeholders. This was seen as an effective way to work within an inquiry that dealt with people who persistently are left out or do without.  

Overall, the inquiry was viewed positively, welcomed by many for the new information it brought to light, and largely regarded as high quality and analytically sound.  

The evaluation makes several recommendations for future improvements, which will be considered by the Commission's Board. 

Read online: A Fair Chance for All: post-inquiry evaluation report (HTML)